Posted by Ean P. Hamilton, Esq. | Nov 09, 2022 |
We are looking at the importance of estate planning before you travel for two distinct purposes. First and foremost, it is an important step to ensure you are protected. Though we will explain how and why in a moment, that is the primary goal. Additionally, to learn why it is so critical, you mus...
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Posted by Philip E. Hamilton, Esq. | Oct 13, 2022 |
ADR is the common abbreviation for alternative dispute resolution. ADR can not only deliver you a solution while saving you the cost and time associated with civil litigation, but it can give you more of a voice. Appeals aside, when a judge makes a decision, it's final. There is no room for fur...
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Posted by Ean P. Hamilton, Esq. | Sep 01, 2022 |
You will accumulate assets that you have legal ownership over during your lifetime. Your name is on the title of your car, the deed to your home, and you—and perhaps your spouse—are the only ones who can access your bank accounts. There are levels of protection to ensure that what we own cannot...
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Posted by Philip E. Hamilton, Esq. | Aug 10, 2022 |
Your business is more than its product or service. People build companies based on shared values and standards. There's a certain feeling and mindset that people enter into when they use your product. For instance, Jeeps may draw consumers seeking adventure and exploration. Businesses use words...
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Posted by Philip E. Hamilton, Esq. | Jul 15, 2022 |
The term 501(c)(3) is pulled directly from Title 26 of the U.S. Code, referred to as the IRS tax code. These apply to taxes, but there is a specific section dedicated solely to non-profit organizations—which is section 501(c)(3). Any organization that meets the criteria can be exempt from pay...
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Posted by Philip E. Hamilton, Esq. | Jun 01, 2022 |
When you form a company, you should meet with a business law attorney to discuss your different choices for entities. The purpose of doing so is to ensure your personal assets remain separate from your business assets. For example, imagine that someone opens a bookstore without forming a Limi...
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Posted by Ean P. Hamilton, Esq. | May 13, 2022 |
A will doesn't prevent your assets from passing through probate. Before we explain why, it is important to note that we are not trying to dissuade you from creating a will. They are precious estate planning tools. The attorneys at Hamilton Law draft wills for our clients, and we wouldn't do s...
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Posted by Ean P. Hamilton, Esq. | Apr 06, 2022 |
Michigan has an anti-lapse statute. When you understand how these work in conjunction with estate planning, you can ensure your assets go to your intended beneficiaries. Additionally, you could prevent your estate from triggering probate litigation after you pass away. People build estate plans to make things easier for their loved ones. With that in mind, let's go over the impact an anti-lapse statute can have on your estate and how you can plan for it.
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Posted by Ean P. Hamilton, Esq. | Mar 14, 2022 |
Estate planning is vitally important. Although we have said it before, it bears the need to be repeated: estate planning is a selfish act that you do for the benefit of those you leave behind. Without one, your family has the monumental task of navigating settling your affairs. For instance, im...
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Posted by Philip E. Hamilton, Esq. | Feb 22, 2022 |
The laws surrounding cannabis can be confusing. Many people grew up under the premise that marijuana was a Schedule 1 controlled substance. These drugs have a high potential for abuse and possess no medical use. On a federal level, it continues to live under that classification. However—and this ...
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Posted by Ean P. Hamilton, Esq. | Jan 19, 2022 |
To better understand the beneficial power of attorney, you must first know what you lose by not having one. No one plans on being incapacitated or seriously injured. But if it happens, we have loved ones and family members to take care of us, to talk to the doctors on our behalf, to pay the mor...
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Posted by Ean P. Hamilton, Esq. | Dec 10, 2021 |
A business succession plan is where business and estate planning intersect. If you own a business, you must have a plan for how it will run without you. If something were to happen to you unexpectedly, would the company continue in your absence? Even a significant majority of family businesses ...
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Posted by Philip E. Hamilton, Esq. | Nov 11, 2021 |
Intellectual property is extremely valuable. To prove it, consider the following: Think about your favorite fast-food chain. If someone had the power to erase every store in the world magically, would that company still be worth money? Absolutely. Despite their inventory and stores being gone, ...
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Posted by Ean P. Hamilton, Esq. | Oct 12, 2021 |
When the subject of estate planning gets brought up, people may quickly think either of the following:
Estate planning is only for the elderly
Estate planning is only for the wealthy
Estate planning is for both groups of people—and they are for you as well. You would have a challenging ...
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Posted by Philip E. Hamilton, Esq. | Sep 08, 2021 |
Whether you are buying your first home or the one you plan to retire in, the key is to focus on what you can control. When you enter a competitive seller's market, you can be quickly overwhelmed by how much the process relies on other people. For instance, the seller has to accept your offer....
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Posted by Ean P. Hamilton, Esq. | Aug 06, 2021 |
For many couples who are creating their estate plan, choosing a guardian for their minor children is the most challenging part of the process. It isn't uncommon for parents to take more time on this piece than the others.
People create estate plans because they want to control their assets, pro...
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Posted by Ean P. Hamilton, Esq. | Jul 15, 2021 |
Prenuptial agreements are more common than you think. There is no shame in creating one, nor does having one make your relationship with your future spouse any less significant. Though no one goes into a marriage planning for it to end in divorce, they still happen nonetheless.
Statistically, m...
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Posted by Ean P. Hamilton, Esq. | Apr 23, 2020 |
The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted practically every aspect of American life. Whether closed by government order or by concerns about public safety, millions of businesses around the country have seen their operations come to a halt. Despite the overwhelming effect of COVID-19, it is not a ...
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Posted by Ean P. Hamilton, Esq. | Apr 16, 2020 |
The economic and personal upheaval triggered by the COVID-19 outbreak is likely to warrant a review of your estate plan, no matter how thorough you think it is. As Americans cope with health fears and financial volatility, it's worthwhile to determine whether a will, trust, advance medical direc...
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Posted by Ean P. Hamilton, Esq. | Nov 06, 2019 |
The biggest excuse we hear from people as to why they don't have an estate plan is “I don't have anything, so I don't need one” or “maybe when I accumulate more wealth, I'll think about getting one.” This is a mistake. Estate planning is not just for people that have accumulated assets or wealth...
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